
CountyCare Plus is a type of plan known as a Medicare-Medicaid Alignment Initiative (MMAI) plan.

CountyCare Plus is a type of plan known as a Medicare-Medicaid Alignment Initiative (MMAI) plan.

When individuals eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid turn 65, a plan like CountyCare Plus is an excellent option.

The CountyCare Plus approach to healthcare focuses on delivering personalized, high-quality, whole-person care our members can trust. Whether an individual is an existing CountyCare member or someone new to CountyCare’s Medicare and Medicaid plans, the transition to CountyCare Plus will be seamless for the member and provider.

About CountyCare Plus

About CountyCare Plus

We have a long and successful track record of providing comprehensive, client-focused health coverage to Medicaid members across Cook County. Sponsored by Cook County Health (CCH), CountyCare Plus is the newest plan in CCH’s portfolio, building on the health system’s managed care experience. CCH’s Medicaid managed care plan is the largest plan in Cook County with more than 400,000 members, and best-rated in Illinois based on the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services’ 2020 Star Ratings.

Further expanding on a historic mission and commitment to serve, CountyCare Plus focuses on providing improved health status, successful outcomes, and member and provider satisfaction in a coordinated care environment.

Why Become a
CountyCare Plus Provider

Why Become a
CountyCare Plus Provider

In addition to the standard benefits provided in a Medicare and Medicaid plan, CountyCare Plus also features enhanced benefits that patients will love, such as:

Interested in
Becoming a Provider?

Interested in Becoming a Provider?

We believe great member care starts with great providers.

To learn more about joining the CountyCare Plus network of providers, please email MMAI@Cookcountyhhs.org. A CountyCare Plus representative will reach out to you with more information.

All providers must submit the IAMHP Universal Roster to CountyCare Plus quarterly. Please submit your provider roster via email to MMAIRosterSubmission@cookcountyhhs.org.

Estimated CountyCare Plus Timeline

Estimated CountyCare Plus Timeline

As CountyCare Plus builds toward launching in January 2023, there are many milestones that must be reached along the way.

Here is an estimated timeline of the development of CountyCare Plus.